

全球教育办公室 welcomes exchange students from around the world to our historic campus nestled in the city of 华盛顿, 宾西法尼亚. 选择在W&J are able to participate in a quintessential American college experience that is rooted in a liberal arts education. 和det365app一起学习的学生, 即使只有一个学期, 能参加学院的运动队吗, 学术组织, 还有社交俱乐部. Students can take courses from a variety of subjects and are invited to share their perspectives with their classmates. Students may only be a part of our on-campus community for a short time, 但他们永远都是W&J President in the eyes of the faculty, staff, students, and alumni of our institution


在W&J, international students can expect a high level of support from our office along with the rest of the W&J社区. det365app的办公室以培养关爱社区而自豪. We invite students to both on- and off- campus events and excursions throughout the semester.


的re are many resources available to exchange students on our campus:


  • 免费洗衣和打印
  • 优先注册课程
  • 60多个学生领导的组织
  • 免费同侪辅导横跨多个科目
  • 平均每班人数少于20人
  • 60多个研究领域
  • Free transportation to campus from PIT airport on arrival days for new students
  • 校内住房保障
  • 免费使用校园内的娱乐设施
  • Linen service provided to incoming international students (for a fee)
Students study in the atrium of Swanson Science Center during the Creosote Affects photo shoot May 2, 2019年华盛顿 & det365app.

快速浏览一下 在W .学习的好处&J!

Ready to learn about academic opportunities and student life on campus? det365app邀请您参加 虚拟参观det365app美丽而历史悠久的校园 今天!


Please contact your home institution’s international office or studyabroad@pakata.net 有关应用说明!


秋季学期申请者 春季学期申请者


W&J提供各种不同的课程. 请注意,课程的可用性每年都在变化. 你可以在 大学目录. You will be able to view the course offerings for your given semester by using 网络顾问.


在W&学生们通常会选四门课程. 全日制被认为是12个学分. 然而,在W&J it is normal for students to enroll in four courses or 16 academic credits per semester.

这是一个 有用的指导 on using 网络顾问 and some other helpful academic resources!

注意: As an F-1 student, you must be enrolled in 12 academic credits to maintain your status.



秋季学期 春季学期
Fall semester begins in late August and concludes in mid-December.春季学期从1月下旬开始,到5月中旬结束.

有关未来学期的具体日期,请发送电子邮件 studyabroad@pakata.net.

All international students will attend our mandatory orientation program. 取向 precedes each academic term and will help you start out on the right foot. 在det365app的培训项目中, students will learn about various resources on campus from different departments across the College. 学生将与校园见面 & 公共安全, Health and Counseling Services, various members of 学生生活, 还有很多其他的! 学生们还将在det365app的办公室参加一个会议, det365app将在哪里为他们提供保持F-1身份的指导. (请参阅下面关于保持F-1身份的讲义).

的 goal of orientation is for students to feel familiar with campus and the College’s various resources. Our orientation also wants students to become familiar of the 华盛顿 area. 在过去的培训项目中, det365app参观了历史悠久的布拉德福德故居, 迷你高尔夫了, 打保龄球, 做了“华盛顿之旅”,,学生们可以品尝当地餐馆的食物, 所有这些都不需要学生付出任何代价.

注意: Students will also learn the "must-knows" for living on campus with the help of our student Global Ambassadors. Incoming exchange students will first meet the Global Ambassadors when they arrive at the airport. Our Ambassadors will be there to meet them in baggage claim and then bring them back to campus. det365app的全球大使将带领学生参观校园, 和他们谈谈不同的餐饮选择, 回答有关学生经历的问题, 最重要的是, 对det365app的交换学生友善吗.


W的所有学生&J学院有机会获得学术支持和建议. W&J College is committed to the academic success of every student for their duration of study at the College. W&J学院还提供一项 各种学术支持服务. 学生可以免费使用 同伴辅助学习 程序中, 写作中心, 专业进修中心,det365app的 学生健康和咨询中心.

的 全球教育办公室 is happy to provide students with academic, 文化, 和社会支持,在他们作为W的每一步&我的学生. Students can expect to hear from our office throughout the semester with friendly messages about 文化 events, 安排定期检查, 以及关于F-1学生身份的提醒.

作为一个国际学生, 你必须参加det365app的保险计划, 目前通过 CISI. Students will typically be billed during the fall semester for the entire year. 该计划每月费用约为115美元. 保险公司、计划和费用可能会有所变化. 请随时给我发邮件 studyabroad@pakata.net 有任何问题或索取最新小册子的副本.


华盛顿 & det365app is a great institution for students that want to get involved with others. W&J有60+ 学生社团和组织, 包括:亚洲文化协会, 舞蹈团队, 绿色俱乐部, 模拟联合国, 甚至是星球大战俱乐部! W的每个人都有适合自己的东西&J.

而学生组织则为其成员举办活动, various offices across the College also host events open for students to attend. 的se types of events include movie screenings, crafting events, and themed parties. 在过去, Office of International Programs has organized excursions to the city of Pittsburgh, 派烘焙课, 去当地的游乐园玩, 篝火之夜, 还有很多其他的!




W&J has a variety of modern and comfortable residence halls in which our students live. 大多数宿舍都配备了公共空间, 公共小型厨房, 洗衣设施, 和无线网络. A majority of our on-campus housing also uses a shared living style. 你很可能会和另一个W配对&J学生与同性. This might sound strange if you have never shared a bedroom before, 但有一个美国室友也有很多好处. 他们通常是你最早的朋友之一, 如果你有问题,他们是你的资源, and they might even introduce you to different perspectives in American culture!

A room in Wade Hall—Wade Hall is all women housing and contains a full kitchen and laundry room.
A room in Wade Hall—Wade Hall is all women housing and contains a full kitchen and laundry room.

不管你是夜猫子还是早起鸟, make sure that you mark that on your preference form so that the Office of Residence Life can pair you with someone with similar habits. If you have any questions about the housing situation before arrival, please email studyabroad@pakata.net!


所有参加到W&我需要获得F-1签证. 以下是申请F-1签证的免费资源. W&J将为被录取的学生提供1-20表格.

请注意: Exchange students have a 15-day grace period to depart the United States after the end of their academic term.

注意: 如果你选择在休息和/或假期留在学校, 餐饮服务可能有限或不可用. Meals may not be included in your meal plan over breaks or holidays.



有关一般信息和问题,请发送电子邮件 studyabroad@pakata.net.


的 Hub as seen October 21, 2019 during the Creosote Affects photo shoot at 华盛顿 & det365app.